Monday, February 16, 2009

A Little Under the Weather, but a Happy Valentine's Just the Same!

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little under the weather. By lunch I had the chills and was very achy. We decided to skip church and rest up on the couch (and catch up on Lost!) in hopes that I would feel like myself again the next day. After all, Valentine's Day would be here soon which means class parties, cupcakes, cards, teacher gifts, and all that goes along with having children! Somewhere along the way, Valentine's Day lost it's romance! I was feeling much better on Thursday, so that evening the kids and I decorated boxes, cards, and cupcakes. Friday was busy with 20 giddy second graders, parents in and out of the room, and trying to attend my own kid's parties. I sat down for a quick bite and realized that I was feeling sick again. By the time I got home that afternoon I was in bed with a fever of 102..yuck! My husband took it upon himself to take the kids to dinner and allow mom a little r&, what a man! I literally slept for 12 hours! The next morning, although feeling better, I was still puny, so Jerrod took the little mess pot to work that morning, and the two oldest ones with him to Becky and Calan's later that afternoon. Probably the best present he could've given me for Valentine's Day! Anyway, I'm on the mend now, so hopefully in a couple of days I'll be back to normal..after all, I've got another 1/2 marathon I'm trying to prepare for in a couple of weeks and this kind of puts a damper on my training!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like we had the exact same Valentine's (although I did sleep for 17 hours)!
