Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School

I can't believe we've started another school year, and a pretty big one too! This year, Lexi started 3rd grade at the Intermediate School, while Will started kindergarten at the Elementary. So, we are on seperate campuses! They both had great days and Will fell asleep in the truck on the way home. He'll have to get used to this new schedule! Meanwhile, Tate started his new home care program with Miss Shauna. It is going to be such a blessing. Today, his note said that they visited the garden, baked cookies, painted, counted, and read. He came home with an art project that said, "Tate is created in the image of God" and on his note there was a reminder that Tate is a blessing! What a great start to this year.


  1. Sounds like you all had a great first day. I can't believe how big they are all getting. They look so grown up in these pictures!

  2. Landry tried to hide a smile when she told me Will was trying to kiss her today! They are precious. I told her he couldn't kiss her, and she said, "Another girl told him that!"
